Happy New Year!

Every year people promise to make positive changes to their lives. While this is admirable, these promises tend not to stick. Whether it’s weight loss, kicking a bad habit or two, or maybe just looking on the bright side we tend to get sucked back in to the grind of life and lose the fervor with which we started the year. It’s not the end of the world, but it does mean that we’re not being the person we would like to be. The person we envision at that randomly motivational moment in time. Truly, the new year is really just another day that we can choose to be the best version of ourselves. It might as well be March 15, or February 29th, or any other random day that seems to be significant.

Why am I going on and on about this? Because one of the things I wanted to do when I built this website was to update and share my thoughts about technology with anyone who was kind enough to spend any time on my pages. There are so, so, sooooo many other pages you could be looking at that I think I should take the time to make mine worthy of your passing glance and not go another 10 months without posting anything new.

So, with that said, one of my new year resolutions is to be more active here at enjoysimplemedia.com. They may not all be daringly insightful probes into the world of popular technology but they will be more available, more often.

Thanks for glancing.


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